
Protest against Canadian rejects

Protest against Canadian rejects

Appealing a Rejected Canadian Visa Application

If your Canadian visa application has been rejected, you have the right to appeal this decision. This process is known as a “request for reconsideration” or “submitting an appeal application.”

Grounds for Appeal:

  • You believe the visa officer made an error in assessing your application.
  • You have new documentation that can significantly change your situation.
  • Your circumstances have changed significantly since you applied for the visa.

Appeal Process:

Appeal Deadline:

  • In general, you have 60 days from the date of receiving the visa rejection letter to submit your appeal. However, in some cases, this timeframe may be shorter.

Gather Supporting Documents:

  • You will need to gather documentation and evidence that supports your appeal. This may include additional documents, explanatory letters, or statements.

Complete the Appeal Application Form:

  • You can download the appeal application form from the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website. This form must be completed carefully and thoroughly and submitted along with your supporting documents.

Pay the Fee:

  • You will need to pay a fee for your appeal application to be processed. The fee amount depends on the type of visa you applied for.

Submit Your Appeal:

  • Send your appeal application along with your supporting documents and the fee to IRCC.

Important Considerations:

  • Submitting an appeal does not guarantee success.
  • The appeal review process can take several months.
  • You are not allowed to enter Canada while your appeal application is being reviewed.
  • You can contact an immigration lawyer or consultant for advice on the visa rejection appeal process.

Helpful Tips to Increase Your Chances of Appeal Success:

  • Clearly and concisely state the reasons for your appeal.
  • Provide strong documentation and evidence to support your claims.
  • If possible, use an immigration lawyer or consultant to assist you with the appeal process.

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