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Afghanistan Services

Afghanistan Services

Trade in Afghanistan: Exports, Imports, and Challenges

Trade plays a vital role in the Afghan economy. Despite numerous challenges, Afghanistan presents significant opportunities for trade and investment.


  • Major Export Products: Afghanistan primarily exports agricultural products such as dried fruits, saffron, and legumes. Carpets, precious stones, and handicrafts are among other export items.
  • Export Markets: Pakistan, India, China, and the European Union are among Afghanistan’s key trading partners.
  • Export Challenges: Afghanistan faces challenges like weak infrastructure, complex bureaucracy, and insecurity in some regions, negatively impacting exports.


  • Major Import Products: Afghanistan imports a wide range of goods, including food, petroleum products, machinery, and consumer goods.
  • Import Markets: Pakistan, Iran, China, and the United Arab Emirates are Afghanistan’s primary trading partners for imports.
  • Import Challenges: Import reliance, high tariffs, and corruption are among the import challenges in Afghanistan.

Trade Development:

  • Government Actions: The Afghan government is making efforts to facilitate trade and attract foreign investment. These include reforming laws and regulations, improving infrastructure, and promoting free trade.
  • Private Sector Role: The Afghan private sector plays a crucial role in trade development. Chambers of commerce and industry operate across the country, seeking new trade and investment opportunities.
  • Potential Opportunities: Afghanistan holds substantial potential to expand trade in various sectors, including agriculture, mining, and tourism.

Real Estate Transactions in Afghanistan: Laws, Procedures, and Challenges

Real estate transactions in Afghanistan are complex processes influenced by various factors, including laws, procedures, and the country’s economic and political conditions.


  • Property Law: Afghanistan’s Constitution recognizes and protects property rights. The Civil Law also provides regulations for real estate transactions.
  • Property Registration: Property registration is mandatory in Afghanistan and essential for ensuring ownership and preventing fraud. The Department of Land Registry and Cadastre handles property registration.
  • Contracts: Real estate transactions must involve a written contract. This contract should include details like parties’ information, property specifications, sale price, and payment terms.


  • Finding a Property: Buyers can find suitable properties through real estate agencies, property websites, or newspaper advertisements.
  • Negotiation: Upon finding a desired property, the buyer and seller must agree on the price and sale terms.
  • Contract Drafting: A lawyer or legal advisor should draft the sale and purchase agreement.
  • Contract Registration: After signing, the contract must be registered with the Department of Land Registry and Cadastre.
  • Payment: The buyer must pay the seller the purchase amount according to the agreed-upon terms in the contract.


  • Insecurity: Insecurity in some parts of Afghanistan can hinder real estate transactions.
  • Corruption: Administrative corruption in Afghanistan can impede transparent and efficient real estate dealings.
  • Weak Infrastructure: Weak infrastructure, such as an inefficient land registration system, can complicate and slow down real estate transactions.
  • Lack of Transparency: The Afghan real estate market lacks sufficient transparency, and buyers may encounter unrealistic prices or scams.

Currency Exchange Services in Afghanistan:

Currency exchange houses play a vital role in facilitating currency transactions and money transfers in Afghanistan. They offer various services, including buying and selling currencies, international remittances, and cash payments.

Types of Currency Exchange Houses:

  • Bank-Owned Currency Exchange Houses: These are operated by banks and typically offer competitive rates.
  • Non-Bank Currency Exchange Houses: These are privately owned and may offer varying rates.
  • Online Currency Exchange Houses: These allow customers to buy and sell currencies online.

Services Offered:

  • Buying and Selling Currencies: Currency exchange houses handle various currencies, including USD, EUR, GBP, and AFN.
  • International Remittances: They can send and receive money to bank accounts worldwide.
  • Cash Payments: Some currency exchange houses also offer cash payment services, enabling you to receive or pay currencies in cash.

Using Currency Exchange Services:

  • To use currency exchange services, you must first verify your identity by providing identification documents like a passport or national ID card.
  • Next, inform the teller of the desired service (buying currency, sending remittances, etc.).
  • Upon agreeing on the exchange rate, pay the teller the required amount.
  • The teller will then provide you with the currency or remittance.

Afshar Group will be with you throughout all of these services.

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